# New Contribution Tips This file contains the tips/links I put into bugs marked "good first issue" so that new contributors have the guidance they need right in the bug. **Short tips for new contributors:** * [cve-bin-tool's contributor docs](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) * If you've contributed to open source but not this project, you might just want our [checklist for a great pull request](https://github.com/intel/cve-bin-tool/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#checklist-for-a-great-pull-request) * cve-bin-tool uses style for commit messages, and we have a test that checks the title of your pull request (PR). A good potential title for this one is in the title of this issue. * You can make an issue auto close by including a comment "fixes #ISSUENUMBER" in your PR comments where ISSUENUMBER is the actual number of the issue. This "links" the issue to the pull request. **Claiming issues:** * You do not need to have an issue assigned to you before you work on it. To "claim" an issue either make a linked pull request or comment on the issue saying you'll be working on it. * If someone else has already commented or opened a pull request, assume it is claimed and find another issue to work on. * If it's been more than 1 week without progress, you can ask in a comment if the claimant is still working on it before claiming it yourself (give them at least 3 days to respond before assuming they have moved on).