# How to use intermediate reports Let's consider a case where multiple groups have done triage separately and want to merge their outputs in a single report. We can do this by saving scans in form of intermediate reports and merge them whenever required. ## Create Intermediate reports To create an intermediate report on a scan for path `/home/code/backend/`, you can use: ``` python -m cve_bin_tool.cli -a /home/reports/backend.json /home/code/backend/ ``` Here we are saving the intermediate report in `/home/reports/backend.json` Alternatively, you can just use the directory path omitting the filename. Example: ``` python -m cve_bin_tool.cli -a /home/reports/ -t frontend /home/code/frontend/ ``` CVE-Binary Tool will generate a filename with the default naming convention which is: `"append.YYYY-MM-DD.hh-mm-ss.json"` Note: You can also use `-t --tag` if you want to add a unique tag inside your intermediate report. By default it is empty and stored as `""`. Intermediate report format ```json { "metadata": { "timestamp": "2021-06-17.00-00-30", "tag": "", "scanned_dir": "/home/code/backend", "products_with_cve": 139, "products_without_cve": 2, "total_files": 49 }, "report": [ { "vendor": "gnu", "product": "gcc", "version": "9.0.1", "cve_number": "CVE-2019-15847", "severity": "HIGH", "score": "7.5", "cvss_version": "3", "paths": "/home/code/backend/glib.tar.gz,/home/code/backend/gcc.tar.gz", "remarks": "NewFound", "comments": "" }, ... ] } ``` ## Adding triage information to a merge report Merged reports can be used to store and/or share triage information about the vulnerabilities that have been found. To add triage, you can open up the json file in a text editor or json editor of your choice to add any changes you need. The "remarks" section allows 6 values: 1. NewFound 2. Unexplored 3. Confirmed 4. Mitigated 5. False Positive 6. Not Affected More details such as how a CVE was mitigated or why it can be ignored can be added into the "comments" section. Other fields such as severity and score can also be updated if necessary. ## Merge intermediate reports You can merge multiple intermediate reports created using `-m --merge` ``` python -m cve_bin_tool.cli -m /home/reports/ ``` `-m --merge` takes a comma-separated string. So, you can also pass filename(s) directly: ``` python -m cve_bin_tool.cli -m /home/reports/backend.json,/home/reports/append.2021-06-17.00-00-30.json ``` If you want to save the output in some other format (By default, it is console). You can also use `-f --format` and `-o --output-file` while merging intermediate reports. For example, If you want to generate an HTML report: ``` python -m cve_bin_tool.cli -m /home/reports/ -f html -o /home/reports/merged_intermediate.html ```